Design Thinking : Experiment with the Method

Formation For Professionals

Design thinking, it’s creating with your hands, heart and head at the same time!

Design thinking applies to any human, technical or business issue. This problem solving method focused on empathy and creativity promotes innovation. Half-way between analysis and intuition, between experimentation and human connection, this workshop will allow participants to experience design thinking by experimenting it. Through practical exercises, they will learn how to bring solutions to life by meeting both user needs and organizations’ ambitions. They will benefit from training tools that are easy to reuse within their teams.

What is design thinking?

A transdisciplinary method for solving problems in a variety of fields, design thinking relies on designers’ approach to finding solutions. It makes it possible to transform constraints into opportunities by analyzing the needs of a group.

Made possible by : National Bank

Skills to develop

  • Understand the basics of design thinking
  • Identify, clarify and seize business opportunities.
  • Turn opportunities into ideas and prototype them.
  • Get the tools to improve and reinvent an experience, a service or a product.

Factry is recognized by Revenu Québec as an educational institution (accreditation 18-04-4061) and is also approved by the Commission des Partenaires du marché du travail (accreditation 0059062).


For Professionals

Design Thinking : Experiment with the Method

8 hours

In French

in person

Friday September 27, 2024

Friday Sep 27, 2024

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

9:00 to 5:00

Get the full program by downloading the syllabus !

Meet our instructor!

Throughout this unique experience, our team will know how to destabilize you and feed your creative brain.

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workshop master - online

Cédric Martineau

Innovation Management Consultant, Designer and Facilitator of Applied Design Thinking workshops

An atypical entrepreneur, Cédric Martineau has evolved in the world of industrial design and operations management in creative agencies. A cabinetmaker and professional sculptor, he has taught these arts throughout his entrepreneurial career, which has led him to this expertise on the organization and management of creativity in business. Now a consultant and facilitator at Carverinno Conseil, he passes on his passion for innovation methodologies by integrating and teaching Design Thinking applied to the development of new products, services or processes.

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" I really enjoyed the Design Thinking course. It's perfect timing with all the current industry issues. Kudos to the trainer/facilitator who is passionate about the subject, who makes it easy to understand and helps us put the tools into practice in a practical way. "

France Wong

President and Partner, Bleublancrouge

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